Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Mmmmm Malbec

Malbec is probably one of my favorite reds. It's delicious, deep, and drinkable—and doesn't sound too pretentious or serious. Plus, you don't have to pay an arm and a leg for an acceptable bottle. The ones I tend to like are from the Mendoza region in Argentina, including my absolute favorite bottle of Catena Malbec. Usually around $22 a bottle, it costs a little more than the other wines on my list, but once in a while, it's worth it! It's smooth and sophisticated, and if it weren't 10 a.m., (happy hour doesn't start this early) I might need to refresh my taste buds.

A few other must-drink Malbecs on my list—all from Argentina and under $20:
1. Layer Cake
2. Diseño
3. Don Miguel Gascon

Let me know if you have any more to recommend—I'll try anything!

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